Sainuo - Polyethylene Wax Manufacturer and EBS Wax Supplier since 2005  

How can I contact Sainuo Chemical?
You can call our customer service team. The detailed contact information is available on "Contact Us" page. You can track an order, make a payment, arrange a visit, update your details and much more easily through Customer Service. Keep in touch with us on Facebook and Twitter.
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Sainuo owns a unique competitive advantage in the field of dibenzoylmethane. The graft polypropylene wax series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. Sainuo graft polypropylene wax for WPC is designed under a series of steps. They include drawing, sketch design, 3-D view, structural exploded view, and so on. This product is capable of giving out clean and soft lights which are free of glare, providing users with a comfortable lighting environment.
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We are enthusiastic, innovative, dependable, and environmentally friendly. These are the core values that define our company culture. They guide our daily work and the way we do business. Inquire online!

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