Sainuo - Polyethylene Wax Manufacturer and EBS Wax Supplier since 2005  

How can I contact Sainuo Chemical?
You can call our customer support team. The comprehensive contact information is available on "Contact Us" page. You can monitor an order, make a payment, arrange a field visit, update your details and far more readily through Customer Service. Keep in touch with us on Facebook and Twitter.
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Qingdao Sainuo Chemical Co.,LTD. has been engaged in the management of ethylene bis stearamide wax, including research & development, sales & marketing, fabrication, and logistics. zinc stearate produced by Sainuo Chemical is very popular in the market. The product has a low surface roughness index. Its surface has been treated with grinding machining to eliminate any burrs and sags and crests. Our dibenzoylmethane manufacturer and dibenzoylmethane manufacturer throughout all stages of production enable us to grantee customer satisfaction in a total.
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To meet market demand, Sainuo Chemical will adhere to this long-term advancement of graft polypropylene wax. Inquire now!

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